Diagnostic Breast Ultrasound

breast cancer screening and diagnosis.


3D Diagnostic Breast Ultrasound for Enhanced Accuracy

Diagnostic Breast Ultrasound is commonly used as a supplemental exam in cases where a mammogram detects an unclear or suspicious area. It allows the radiologist to differentiate between breast tissue, cysts, fatty tissue, and solid masses. The information is crucial to determine the need for further investigation or biopsy.

The Ultrasound can also be used to guide procedure like biopsies to ensure accurate targeting of the lesion to obtain tissue samples for accurate analysis. Together diagnostic mammogram and diagnostic breast ultrasound provide a more thorough and detailed evaluation.

Preparing for your Screening Mammogram

On the day of your exam:

Two piece outfit

Please do not apply deodorant prior to your exam as some deodorants contain tiny metallic particles that can show up on a mammogram as an abnormality.

No deodorant

Please do not apply deodorant prior to your exam as some deodorants contain tiny metallic particles that can show up on a mammogram as an abnormality.

No lotions/ powders

Avoid using lotions, powders, creams or perfume.

No jewelry

Avoid wearing any necklaces and earrings on the day of your exam.

Hair tied back

Make sure to have your hair tied back.

Please note:

If you have any questions prior to your appointment, please call us at 817-329-8910.


Is a diagnostic breast ultrasound painful?
No, a Diagnostic Breast ultrasound is typically not painful. It is a non-invasive procedure that most most women experience minimal discomfort, if any.
Can a diagnostic breast ultrasound detect all types of breast conditions?
No, a diagnostic breast ultrasound may not be effective in detecting all types of breast conditions including powdery calcifications seen only on mammography. Mammography is used to compliment breast ultrasound and provide a more comprehensive assessment of breast health which depends on the specific clinical situation as each method offers unique advantages and limitations in detecting different kinds of breast lesions.
How long does the procedure take?
Diagnostic Breast ultrasound procedure takes about 20 minutes to complete. In most cases the ultrasound is a relatively quick and efficient procedure.
When will hear back about my results?

At Eve’s Breast Center our onsite breast specialist physician will perform the entire Diagnostic Breast Ultrasound examination and deliver the results during the exam and go over your images including a discussion on follow-up if needed.

Scheduling a diagnostic breast ultrasound

Securing your diagnostic breast ultrasound at Eve’s is a straightforward process. To ensure a seamless experience, we require a physician’s order for scheduling purposes.

*Please have your doctor's order ready when you call to schedule your appointment.